This chapter presents legal approaches that can be used to promote public health and address specific health problems. Legal approaches include prohibiting or ordering conduct, as well as creating and enforcing licensing and licensing systems. The chapter also discusses increasing the cost of unhealthy behaviour through taxes or litigation, and incentivising healthy behaviour through loans, grants and tax credits. Legal approaches to public health challenges can also be addressed by altering the information environment with labeling requirements or reporting mandates, or by altering the built environment through zoning policies or complete streets. The chapter also identifies the possible constitutional and practical limitations of each approach. This approach helps researchers and students understand how the government has adapted its administration and way of working to changing times and what impact this has had. The previous study also provides important information on why certain methods, policies, systems, etc. were adopted and the needs they met. To define a legal term, enter a word or phrase below.
The legal approach sheds light on the legal framework within which public administration operates, but excludes other important and informal aspects, such as sociological and psychological dynamics, and is therefore considered by many researchers to be an incomplete approach. However, there were many other buyers for this, and in the United States, Frank J. Goodnow was a major proponent of this legal approach. In his book Politique et administration, he questions Montesquieus` theory of the separation of powers in the book Esprit De Lois, which proposes three branches of power; The legislative, executive and judicial branches have, however, stressed the independence of the judiciary vis-à-vis the administration as the only recognition of the judiciary. According to Goodnow, this was not sufficient in itself, and this extreme form of this theory was incapable of being applied to any concrete political organization. Goodnow and his other work greatly influenced the way the U.S. public administration was formed in the following years. The study of administrative history does not lose its importance, even in the light of the opposing arguments above. It remains important because the evolution of society over time and age has a lasting impact on the quality and quantity of public services provided. With the importance of the historical approach established in public administration studies, we will now see what the legal approach for public administration was. The legal route to public administration would venture into the impressive legal structure and organization of public institutions.
As the name suggests, this approach was associated with laws, rules, regulations, codes, regulatory obligations, etc. It also described the powers, limits and discretions of the authority as well as judicial decisions. Many countries, especially in Europe, such as Germany, France, Belgium and others, have chosen the legal route to study public administration. The historical approach to public administration focuses on management systems, processes and policies that have been practiced in the past, and then attempts to interpret them in a way that is relevant in the context of the present. There are two sides of the coin that researchers have supported, although this approach may provide rich details about what worked in the past and what didn`t, but authors such as John Pierre and B. Guy Peters say that the study of history cannot provide useful information that can be used now. And public administration students should not have such misunderstood notions. The important point is that scientists need to know when to revisit the past and when to distance themselves from it in order to draw relevant theories and conclusions. pTheories of principles and practices of public administration.docx The study of history is often considered important for understanding both the present and the future. Nor can the study of public administration be complete without understanding the development and progress of civilizations.
It works well for these countries because they have two different legal services, the constitutional and the administrative one. The Constitution Act dealt mainly with the balance of powers between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, while the administrative part dealt with the functioning of public bodies. Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology • TECHNIQUE BC-101.