There are several ways to contact us. These are just some of the scenarios that the Legal Clinic faces on a regular basis. While we can`t help you with all types of legal issues (for example, we don`t represent people in criminal cases or cases where you`re simply looking for a cash reward), we`re happy to talk to anyone caught up in the homelessness network or hoping to avoid it. The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) needs to adapt its rules and procedures so that people with disabilities have equal access. If you have a disability and need DHS protection, DHS must give you what you need to use DHS housing and services. There are many different ARs that DHS can give you, depending on what you need because of your disability. You can also contact the Coalition for the Homeless (CFH) by calling their helpline at 888-358-2384. The Coalition for the Homeless (CFH) is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and will answer your call as soon as possible. CFH regularly monitors properties to inspect conditions. It helps to be able to prove the conditions when talking to CFH employees. Information, not legal advice The information provided on this site is general information only; It is not legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.

If you think you need legal advice to resolve your situation, you should consult a lawyer. The Legal Clinic tries to keep our legal training materials up to date, but as laws may change frequently, we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, the Legal Defense Department at the Women`s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh offers free, confidential assistance in navigating the complexities of the legal system. Our program includes a wide range of services such as court coaching, filing of legal documents, security planning, explanation of available options, and direct advocacy as the case progresses through the legal system. Call our switchboard on 0344 515 2000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm) or an e-mail. Call 443-984-9540 to connect to the emergency shelter for the night. The hotline is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Requests for accommodation outside opening hours, weekends and holidays must be made directly by telephone at the accommodation.

Anyone in Baltimore seeking access to a city-funded shelter should go through the helpline. Please note that if a protective bed is available, you will be informed during the call. There is no guarantee of a shelter for callers, but we will do our best to provide you with accommodation. There is no waiting list for protective beds. Please call the main number to be forwarded to the appropriate office. Office of Disability Affairs If you believe that you or a family member has been discriminated against at DHS because of a disability, you can file a complaint by phone, letter, or email to: Are you worried about yourself or someone sleeping outside? Outreach and support services are available for people who do not have safe housing. The Baltimore Street Awareness Map includes the Baltimore City Shelter hotline phone number and information about food, health care, showers, and treatment services. You can also email Homeless Outreach here to ask for help or fill out the form below.

For assistance, call 2-1-1 or 1-800-492-0618. (Mobile phone users may have normal airtime and associated charges.) In fiscal year 2015, 2-1-1 Maryland answered more than 103,000 calls to the United Way of Central Maryland in the areas of food, shelter, health care, utility assistance and more. “Harassment” is any act or omission by a landlord or landlord`s representative that results or intends for a person legally entitled to live in a room or apartment to waive their room or apartment or their tenancy rights. In upstate New York, tenant harassment can be a felony or misdemeanor. In New York City, tenant harassment is also a violation of housing law, and tenants can sue their landlord in housing court if they are harassed. If DHS does not respond to your complaint and the problem persists, you should file another complaint and notify 311 or the Ombudsman`s Office that the first complaint was ignored. You can also file a complaint with the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). HPD is the municipal authority that enforces the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, which addresses housing conditions such as heating and hot water, mold, pests, gas leaks, and fire safety. You can contact HPD by calling 311 or filing a complaint online here.

HPD may come to your shelter for an inspection based on your complaint, and they may pronounce violations against the shelter. You can check here if there are any open violations in your shelter. If you have questions about a campaign or have difficulty signing our petitions, please send an email. The following organizations provide free legal advice and, in some cases, representation to tenants facing eviction and other landlord-tenant issues. These organizations take different types of cases and all have capacity constraints. Please check the types of services offered by these organizations in parentheses below before calling. Note that “subsidized” housing refers to any form of housing choice voucher, social housing or other government-subsidized housing. Please note that DHS past and current customer information is confidential under federal, state, and local laws. The Agency generally cannot provide client information, including whether an individual is currently under protection, without proof of access to information submitted by an applicant in the form of a power of attorney signed by the client, power of attorney, letters of intent, guardianship commission documents, etc. Please send your inquiries and required documents to If you face financial or other constraints, you can also apply for a temporary ATP without paying a fee.

Our lawyers can inform you about the availability of free legal representation if necessary.

Shelter Legal Phone Number

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