Quirky Laws

Given that one of the strange laws popular for many states looks like this: “No honking in sandwich shops at these strangely precise times on a Sunday,” it is with great pleasure that I bring you Section 18-55 of the Little Rock Ordinance Code – currently in March 2017 – which states: “No person may be in a place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served. Sound the horn of a vehicle. after 9 p.m. (Also, no, it`s not illegal to mispronounce the name of the state. Only discouraged.) The internet is very enthusiastic about all of Alaska`s bizarre moose laws, such as the alleged illegality of giving a moose a beer. Unfortunately, this is all old and/or fake, but here`s one that`s still close to elk: If you kill a moose (or big game), no matter the circumstances, you should at least try to preserve the meat so people can eat it. I hope you know how to do it. Many states have laws restricting various activities on Sundays, but in Iowa it is illegal to sell cars or RVs on Sundays. The internet was designed for lists of the strangest laws you didn`t know existed in your state – they`re weird, they`re fun, and after checking them, I can tell you they`re 95% wrong.

Most of the popular lists you see on these types of lists, like the fact that you can`t push a moose off a plane in Alaska or take a lion to the movies in Maryland, are either completely made up, long gone, or simply chosen out of their real legal context to look much more eye-catching than they actually are. Exceptions included funeral visitors, hospital employees or those at the bedside of a sick family member. For everyone else, there is no excuse for being dark, the alternative is a fine. This must be one of the strangest laws of all. One of the popular but false weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can`t catch fish with your mouth. Because it`s important to me, I went to the archives of the Gettysburg Times and, starting in 2010, I found a reference to what is apparently still a very real law that prohibits you from catching a fish in your mouth. Sometimes the internet is good. However, this law is questionable, because how can we suggest that people should just let everyone into their homes? This law has made many lists of the most absurd laws, but I have found no context behind this particular law. In Jefferson County, you can only hold a flea market between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

And it can take no more than three days. And you can`t hold more than two a year. However, if you frequent a legal flea market and score a bow and a few arrows, there`s a little more leeway when it comes to targeting practice laws within city limits. Look at these incredibly strange American laws that actually exist! Bizarre U.S. laws Florida ran into trouble in 2013 when it accidentally banned all computers in the state. A confusingly worded law banning internet cafes involved in illegal gambling has led to legal action, arguing that the ban could be interpreted as applying to any device connected to the internet. Around the world, laws range from the strange and wonderful to downright strange. In this blog, I`ll count some of the strangest laws in the world. The United States has a long and interesting history, and most of today`s laws are adequate for keeping the peace. However, there are laws in all 50 states that, for various reasons, are a bit “crazy” from today`s perspective. Some laws that might have been appropriate 100 years ago may have fallen through the cracks, so they`re still in the books and seem pretty funny to us now. Other crazy laws across the country include articles about whiskers and especially food.

In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that provokes laughter in church, while whiskers are illegal in Indiana if the wearer tends to kiss other people habitually. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve butter substitutes in prison; in Utah, it is illegal NOT to drink milk; and don`t sleep in a South Dakota cheese shop. A generous act in Louisiana could backfire – you could be fined $500 if you send a pizza order to someone`s home without their knowledge.

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