Plant Swap Rules

I wanted to make this plant exchange a little more special, so I thought it would be cool to have a little Q&A session livestreamed on Instagram and find partners who would also be interested in attending. To do this, I contacted a local media company called MindBodyGreen, which writes about health and wellness topics. and also The Sill, a local plant shop. Together, we formed a small panel that would take place shortly before the actual exchange of the evening. Every holiday needs a gift to take home, and at a plant exchange party, gardeners create their own, such as the petunia pot, Siberian iris, diascia and Persian shield. Ask each guest to create a container plantation that makes them think of their friends as it blooms throughout the summer. Trade, barter, whatever you want to call it, as long as people walk the planet, barter is rooted in our social sciences. You can trade anything – wood for milk, goat for carts, dollars for a muffin, donkeys for magic beans – or in our case, Monstera deliciosa for Philodendron gloriosum could come close to the brand. Either way, an exchange is made when two people don`t have something the other owns. Plant exchange has been around for a few years, but here`s a refresher course in case you`re wondering, “What is a plant exchange.” In general, make sure you know the laws behind plant propagation.

Although many species of foliage can be obtained during propagation, some plants are sometimes protected by patents and are allowed to multiply illegally without paying royalties per cutting. Since we want to promote the work of breeders around the world, it is important to respect these laws. More information can be found on these pages: Plant lovers will find every excuse to meet and talk to other plant lovers. They will also take advantage of every opportunity to expand their collections. This is where plant exchange comes in. Plant exchange is very profitable because you do not need materials. It`s easier for almost anyone to host one. Plus, everyone has at least one new (and free) plant to take home. It`s a win-win situation for everyone! Suggest that guests take their new plants home in milk crates, buckets or cans.

In the car, plastic film catches spilled liquids or offers your friends plastic garbage bags in which they can place their plant boxes. Keep cars cool by suggesting everyone park in the shade. To help everyone carry divided plants, keep the roots moist by wrapping them in damp paper towels and old plastic bags. Protect the roots by leaving the soil attached to them. Remind your partygoers to transplant within 24 hours if possible, and keep plants in a shady spot until they are placed in the ground. On the next slide, you`ll find tips for sharing plants. Store root balls by digging 2-4 inches as far away from them as possible. Discard the plant, then divide the roots by hand.

(For difficult roots, cut a spade in the middle.) Immediately replant a section; Wrap the other in damp paper, store it and plant it as soon as possible. On the Internet! Here are some places where you can search for exchanges: Lossm app,, Facebook groups. Emma Sibley is the founder of London Terrariums, a popular plant shop that offers workshops and plans plant exchanges in London, UK. Divide perennials in the spring when they bloom after mid-June. Choose full or overgrown plants. Some good options: bee balm, aster, astilbe, black-eyed Susan, cover flower, campan, chrysanthemum, coreopsis, daylily (after flowering), hosta, phlox and ornamental grasses. Do not put diseased or infested plants on the market! Send invitations with date, time, location, exchange rules, and other details. A good rule of thumb is not to leave the exchange with more plants than you brought. However, this rule may vary depending on the value of the installation. The rarer the plant, the more valuable the trade. Usually, most houseplant enthusiasts have a general understanding of the value of plants, but some negotiations can be conducted to achieve fair trade.

You can either list your plants or invite them to your station so they can get a better idea of what you have to offer. From there, transactions can look like an individual exchange or multiple plants in exchange for one plant. Regardless of the stock market, don`t feel pressured to accept a trade if you`re not really interested. Plan to enforce the trading rules and promote a positive environment for plant lovers like you! Harassment of plants in #NYCplantswap17. Work on a summary of the event; But now, let`s rest with our new plants! 🌿 Thank you for coming and for the participation of @lululemonnyc @thesill @mindbodygreen @sweetgreen and @healthade. If there are currently no local plant exchange sites in your area, why not host one yourself? Create a Facebook group for plant lovers near you and go from there! Participants are invited to find a free seat at the many tables in the room. Some people, myself included, simply carefully arrange the cuttings on the table, while some veterinarians bring elaborate presentations to display their precious plants. If you don`t already know, the online plant community is an extremely welcoming crowd. Even the Instagram factory celebrity, whose photos you like to type, is usually willing to answer questions and offer support to beginners.

But as a newcomer to the scene, I was certainly a little nervous about my first official plant exchange. Setting up a factory change is super easy. All you need is a place to welcome him and people who bring a plant or cutting. This place is ideally big enough to accommodate a table and a few cards. “We [at London Terrarium events] provide plant maps that we give to everyone when they go to label their plants,” says Sibley. “But to be honest, you can hold one in your local park with a blanket on the ground or find a coffee on a quiet morning and ask to use their space.” Ging gonzo has spread some of my bushiest Aroids recently. I think September will be a fun time to gather a #plantgang to do a plant exchange here in New York.

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