New Law Eating While Driving

While you can`t control the behavior of other drivers, you can control your own. If you or a loved one has been injured due to another driver`s negligence, call Martinson & Beason, P.C.`s experienced attorneys in Huntsville today for a free consultation. We handle all car accident cases in case of eventuality, which means we will not be paid until you do. For more information on distracted driving, please visit our page here. For many, a short drive through the drive-thru and eating along the way is part of life. It`s not uncommon to see someone next to you on the street eating while driving. It may not be the best idea, but is it illegal to eat and drive? It goes without saying that you shouldn`t eat a full meal while driving. Eating a bar or driving a bottle of Pepsi is probably fine, but eating a huge sandwich and fries while driving on the road could be considered “dangerous driving.” However, just because you`re legally allowed to eat while driving doesn`t mean you should. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, eating while driving is one of the most common ways motorists get distracted. A high number of traffic accidents can be attributed to the distraction of eating or drinking while driving.

You may be thinking, “I can multitask and eat while driving, as long as I keep my eyes on the road” or “It`s not like texting and driving.” 2. Hamburgers. Since you need two hands to eat a burger, even a medium-sized one, it is dangerous to eat while driving. It is a primary state law that allows officers to summon a driver if they observe the behavior. What catches attention, however, is that their new distracted driving law also includes a provision for a $99 fine for other types of distracted driving. Now, eating, grooming, reading and even smoking while driving a vehicle can lead to a quote. This is a secondary law that can result in a ticket if the activity is the cause of dangerous driving and drivers are stopped for another offence. These secondary offences, it should be noted, are often the first step in making a violation a primary offence. New York has strict laws when it comes to distracted driving. State legislators continue to evaluate the effectiveness of these laws and have introduced numerous new bills to strengthen them. That`s because eating while driving can be considered “dangerous” or “reckless” driving, which is a rule used for any kind of distracted driving, which can happen when you eat while driving.

Technically, there`s no law that says you can`t eat while you`re driving, but eating while driving can still cause you to stop and even get a ticket. If you pretend you don`t know the law, you won`t get out of a quote. Distracted driving laws are constantly updated, so it`s important that you stay informed and do your research before taking your next long car ride. You should not eat and drink while driving for the following reasons: It is always best to minimize surprises while driving. One way to do this is to avoid eating and drinking. Florida has made various improvements to its distracted driving laws in recent years. However, at the time of writing, it is not illegal to eat while driving. A police officer can usually only stop you to eat or drink while driving if such behavior causes you to break a traffic law. Does that mean that if a 17-year-old driver is on the phone crossing the border into one of those states, he is breaking the law? Yes, it is. To remain compliant, the teen should end the call immediately.

However, among distracted driving laws, police can stop you if you engage in activities that prevent you from driving safely. This can include applying makeup while driving, cuddling your dog while driving, or even eating while driving. Since not all states have the same distracted driving laws, it`s important to be up to date before hitting the road. But maybe you`re wondering if you really need to eat while you`re behind the wheel. The act of eating while driving is apparently innocent. Of course, if you have a long commute that goes through meals, you`ll want to stay full of energy. And don`t fast food chains have drive-thru for a reason? Diverted driving laws vary from state to state, so make sure that if you`re driving in a neighboring state with other laws, you`re following their rules as soon as you reach the state border. If you eat or drink while driving, you should remove at least one hand from the steering wheel.

This can prevent you from controlling your vehicle or avoid sudden danger. Alabama currently bans texting to all drivers and cell phone use for drivers ages 16 to 17. Of all Alabama drivers, you`re 23 times more likely to have an accident than a driver who isn`t distracted. To avoid temptation, the state recommends putting your phone in the back seat while driving, using a speaker, or going off the road if you need to answer a text message. Although more accidents occur in urban areas, more fatal wrecks occur in rural areas. According to a CBS Local study, 85 million Americans stop at a drive-thru to get something for the road on average. Eating a snack or meal on the go is more common today than at any time in the past. The laws surrounding eating while driving differ from state to state, although it`s generally legal. Moral of the story: While there`s no law that says you can`t eat while driving, it`s possible you`ll get a distracted ticket for it. So be careful! If you drive a car and have a mouth, chances are you`ve eaten while driving. Let`s face it, we are busy and sometimes we have to do what we need to do to save time.

2. Compact calzones. While pizza isn`t a viable food option while driving, its alienated cousin, calzone, is a good alternative. It`s remarkable how dangerous distracted driving can be. Consider this: the average time it takes to send or receive a text is five seconds, depending on

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