Legal Aid Board Asylum

In rare cases, HIAS` legal protection work also includes referring particularly vulnerable refugees to safe countries where they can be resettled. While the resettlement of a small number of refugees provides security in a new country, many countries, including the United States, are currently reducing the size and scope of their resettlement programmes. Therefore, effective legal aid and protection services are all the more important in the host country to which refugees first flee. Physicians for Human Rights is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization that mobilizes health professionals to investigate the health consequences of human rights violations and work to end them. Their “asylum program” aims to help torture survivors and other non-citizens seeking refuge in the United States. Physicians for Human Rights specializes in conducting forensic and psychological and physical assessments to document evidence of torture and ill-treatment. The medico-legal affidavits they submit to the courts on behalf of survivors are often the deciding factor when judges grant asylum or other deportation facilities. Human Rights First is a nonprofit, nonpartisan international human rights organization with offices in New York and Washington, D.C. Volunteer attorneys from Human Rights First`s refugee representation program help asylum seekers in the United States with asylum cases. Human Rights First works with pro bono lawyers who provide legal assistance to asylum seekers in the United States.

To learn more about their services, see: When should I apply? You must apply for asylum within one year of your last arrival in the United States. If you`ve been in the U.S. for more than a year, you may still be able to apply for asylum, but talk to a lawyer first. Tell your lawyer why you didn`t apply within one year. Founded in 2010, the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center is committed to preventing family separation due to deportation. In addition to ensuring family unity, we aim to strengthen immigrant families by promoting the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants and their families. NMILC envisions a New Mexico where all people, regardless of race, immigration or economic status, have equal access to justice, education, government resources and economic opportunity, and can participate fully in the civic and economic life of our neighborhoods and communities. Access to NMILC`s high-quality immigration services allows immigrants to obtain legal status that can lead to better jobs, access to credit and bank accounts, reunification with family members, access to health care, better educational opportunities for children and adults, and full participation in the civic life of our neighbourhoods and communities. While acquiring immigration status brings a degree of economic and family stability, naturalization creates opportunities for newcomers to participate fully in the civic life of their communities. The Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (HIRC), in partnership with Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS), has worked with hundreds of immigrants and refugees since its inception in 1984. HIRC combines the representation of individual asylum seekers and the associated assistance with the development of asylum theories and policies. HIRC students take the initiative to represent clients around the world seeking to protect themselves from human rights abuses in their home countries, to protect themselves from exile after years of living in the United States, or to be reunited with their families.

This is another problem of systemic flaws that negatively affects the way asylum claims are processed in Ireland. More recently, it has been reported that the lack of quality standards for interpretation services and the age assessment of unaccompanied children may lead some asylum-seekers to receive negative responses to their applications. Should I get help from a notary or immigration consultant? Many immigration consultants or “notaries” are NOT experts and may not be lawyers. Be careful before paying someone to help you with your immigration file. Make sure the person is a lawyer and asylum expert before working with them. If you have been wronged by a “notary” or “advisor,” call the Immigration Legal Resource Centre at 415-255-9499 ext. 774. Sokpoh Law Group provides immigration assistance, including legal representation in asylum and refugee cases. The firm provides pro bono advice to people who contact us as part of the Rights in Exile program.

Sokpoh Law Group will also assess cases and represent them on a pro bono basis or by reducing costs on a case-by-case basis based on income. How can the Legal Aid Committee help you? If you seek legal advice on asylum, subsidiary protection or related matters, you will receive help as soon as possible, including: IRAP is a legal aid organization that supports refugees and special immigrant visa applicants in the Middle East and Afghanistan. You cannot provide financial assistance or other benefits. They do not make decisions on resettlement and are completely independent of UNHCR and national governments. All information provided to IRAP is strictly confidential and all services are free of charge. IRAP provides free legal advice to refugees seeking asylum and resettlement. The following are some of the types of support offered by IRAP. Independence The Legal Aid Committee is an independent statutory body that provides legal services in civil matters. Confidentiality The Legal Aid Committee provides a confidential service to all eligible persons who come to it. Means-tested and contributions To be entitled to legal services, your income (less certain allowances) must be less than €18,000 per year. Asylum seekers pay a total contribution of €10 for legal advice and advice relating to a case prior to the IPO or IPAT. An additional contribution would be payable for legal aid in any other case, such as a case before the High Court.

If you have a capital of more than €4,000 (excluding housing), you may have to pay an additional contribution. If you receive direct government benefits (i.e. accommodation and meals directly instead of social assistance benefits), you may, at the discretion of the Legal Aid Committee, request that part of your contribution be cancelled. Complaints The Legal Aid Committee is committed to providing a high quality professional service in all cases and has formal arrangements for dealing with complaints from asylum seekers. A copy of the appeal procedure is available from any registry of the Legal Aid Committee, the secretariat of the Commission or any legal centre. Contact details of legal centres where the Legal Aid Board provides legal services in asylum and related matters:Dublin: Smithfield Law Centre, 48/49 North Brunswick Street, Georges Lane, Dublin 7.

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