How to Get to Haiku Stairs Legal

A permit system and high fees could regulate the number of hikers. Instead, people climbed the risky path to the other side as we did. Hikers start climbing stairs as early as 2 a.m. to avoid running into security. There has been no solution for more than 30 years. The biggest problem is the majority of landowners around the stairs. The stairs of haiku will have no future until they agree. Two hikers climb the steep stairs. First and foremost, this migration is illegal and can be dangerous.

If you decide to do this hike, you do so at your own risk. While the guard downstairs is only there to warn you and make you understand that the trek is indeed illegal, he will not give you a ticket. Be respectful, he does his job. The police, on the other hand, will be happy to impose a hefty fine of $1,000 or even 30 days in jail. In recent years, some stairs have begun to deteriorate and move noticeably to one side of the mountain. The problem here is that you never know when those old stairs will break on friable basalt rock. In addition, this hike is done on steep ridges and can be muddy and slippery. If you decide to try the haiku stairs, be smart when you do and don`t hike alone. As always, be sure to do your due diligence and do a lot of research before embarking on new hikes or outdoor activities.

There is a budget of $1 million to remove the stairs soon, but it is estimated that it is currently increasing by at least $1.5 million. While the “Friends of the Haiku Stairs” hoped to introduce a shuttle and a limit of 80 hikers per day. The biggest problem, however, was getting consent from adjacent landowners, something they had not done in 30 years. Portions of the trail are located on land owned by the Hawaii Department of State. They also discussed a compromise to move the stairs, but it wouldn`t be the same, OMI. Many locals consider the view from the top to be the best in Hawaii and I agree. This old man was from the neighborhood – He told me that he often climbed the stairs of the haiku. To return to the top of the haiku stairs, start with the park in the Moanalua Valley neighborhood. You don`t need to arrive very early to hike, but it does increase your chances of finding a parking space.

The Moanalua Valley Trail isn`t as popular as the actual stairs, but it still attracts a few visitors. We arrived just before 7am and were one of the first there. Is there a security guard? Yes. There is a security guard at the bottom of the stairs. However, it`s not his job to issue tickets just to warn people that walking is taboo. Please be respectful, he is doing his job. Do you need to be fit to climb the stairs to heaven? You should always know your limits/what you can do when trying outdoor activities. This hike is quite long and can be considered very challenging depending on your abilities. The legal trail starts with the Moanalua Valley Trail and it takes 4 to 8 hours to complete the entire trek. The distance is 11 miles from the parking lot and the level of difficulty is moderate. Other hikers filmed the helicopter trying to land.

You could see most of the people in the video running away as they entered the stairs! When haiku stairs were featured in a 1981 episode of “Magnum P.I.” as well as in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin newspaper, their popularity began to grow as tens of thousands of hikers crossed the stairs each year. The Himmelstreppe is one of the most rewarding hikes we have ever done. It`s a great adventure and the views are amazing! The legal route takes a lot of the stress off being arrested by the police and fined. We had so much fun on this hike! We hope you found this guide helpful and we can`t wait to see all your photos from this hike! In 1958, the Navy disabled the radio station`s site. The U.S. Coast Guard then used the site as an Omega navigation system station, the world`s first radio navigation system with stations worldwide. Under the U.S. Coast Guard, local hikers were allowed to climb stairs after signing a waiver at the Omega station. However, the efforts of groups like Friends of Haiku Stairs and even some members of the Honolulu City Council and County have attempted to repair and legalize the stairs over the years. We couldn`t resist walking a short distance up the stairs after walking the long way. Our hearts broke down when we saw a helicopter flying right next to us! Despite the illegality of climbing the haiku stairs, many hikers continue to risk $1,000 fines from police or security guards to reach the top of the stairs – they wake up early in the morning to bypass security.

In September 2021, after years of debate, Honolulu Mayor Blangiardi decided to demolish haiku stairs in favor of the Honolulu City Council. The resolution, filed on September 8, 2021, states that it will stop entry, reduce disruption to the neighbourhood, increase public safety, eliminate the city`s potential liability and protect the environment. It was also mentioned that the municipal government has 60 days to submit a stair removal plan. In addition to these items, someone walking down the haiku stairs should have the ability to walk about 3-4 hours round trip. Some people say they go down stairs in about an hour. It takes strong leg muscles and a healthy heart to reach the top of the ladder to the sky. If you`re not in great shape, it`s wise to exercise closer to sea level before crossing the stairs. The city of Honolulu may intend to reopen the haiku stairs to the public. They spent much of the money repairing the stairs and railings.

The staircase was closed to the public in 1987. We walked several hundred meters up the stairs and met a group of ten or more people with Mike K, who proposed this hike every week. He agreed that police frequently patrol the streets. A helicopter passed by and surrounded us all. It was time for us to go back to the top and drive the Moanalua Valley Trail to our car. Was it worth it? Yes, definitely, and we would do it again in the blink of an eye! Still, I don`t want to encourage you to enter the haiku stairs; It is at your own risk if you do so. The Ha`ikū Staircase (also known as the Haiku Staircase) was built in 1942 for the secret project of an American naval radio station. The stairs were necessary to maintain the large antenna system. The staircase is located in the Ha`ikū Valley, which has the shape of an amphitheater. This makes it a perfect environment for communication.

The stairs were initially made of wood and later replaced with steel. Learn more about the history of haiku stairs. Thanks to your detailed explanation of how to take the legal route and these photos, my friends and I were able to reach the top without any problems! It was beautiful and perfect, so thank you!!! The staircase was built in the 1940s by the US Navy. Stairs lead to an old radio station at the top of the mountain. The stairs were open to the public until the 1980s, when they were damaged by a storm and deemed dangerous. Now the hike is illegal and guards are posted below to keep people out. The police often patrol the area and the guard will call them if they see you. If you are caught on the stairs, you could be fined up to $1,000. When we started planning our trip to Hawaii, the ladder to the sky found its way to the top of our list. We started talking to local friends and they shared this legal path with us. This route takes the stress out of getting caught by the police and paying a $1000 fine! It is a drop of pure water on both sides. It was difficult and exhausting to get to the top, but the effort was worth it.

We were relieved when we finally saw the radio antennas. It took us 4 hours, 8.4km/5.2miles, and 890m/2,920ft elevation to reach the summit. The summit was shrouded in clouds when we arrived. We met two guys from Miami and an older hiker from the haiku district. Everyone went up and down the stairs. Haiku Stairs or Stairway to Heaven is located in the city of Kaneohe on the island of Oahu. Illegal hikers usually park in the nearby neighborhood of Haiku village. Illegal Access Point #3 (purple on map): There is a fence in front of Puoni Place that you may need to jump up and then look for a path or secret road leading to the trees on your right. The purple path is the furthest from people`s homes, and you have to follow the pig trails through the bamboo forest until you reach the stairs to heaven. When you reach the top of the Moanalua Middle Ridge Trail, you`ll have great views and you`ll be a stone`s throw from the satellite at the top.

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