Steven Imke is the world’s foremost expert on educating investors in oil and gas direct participation programs.  His book The Investor’s Guide to Investing in Direct Participation Oil and Gas Programs is based in his bestselling videos.  

As a former Investment Adviser and the founder of a documentation and training company he used his personal experiences as and oil and gas investor and his instructional design knowledge to interview investors and industry experts to determine the specific information investors really need to know to make informed investment decision.   The book provides pointers to free online tools that help investors determine if investing in direct participation is right for them and to analyze prospective investment opportunities before making investment decisions. 

The book answers the follow 20 questions every investor needs to know:

1.      Why invest in oil and gas vs. other investment options?

2.      Why invest in direct participation vs. buying stock in public energy companies?

3.      Is it risky to invest in direct participation oil and gas deals?

4.      How is my Net Income calculated?

5.      How often do I get paid?

6.      What is time frame between writing a check to when I get paid from production?

7.      Where do you find oil and gas?

8.      Why is understanding well spacing important?

9.      What does it take to get a well into production?

10.  What can go wrong during drilling and production?

11.  How is my investment allocated and why is it important?

12.  How much revenue am I entitled to and how much of the expenses am I obligated to pay?

13.  Are there varying degrees of project risk within direct participation deals?

14.  How long and how fast does a well produce and what effects it?

15.  What is secondary or enhanced oil recovery?

16.  What are the ongoing production-related tax advantages of investing in direct participation deals?

17.  What is the liquidity of a direct participation investment?

18.  What are the typical documents I will see and what do they convey?

19.  Is there any personal liability I have as an investor when I invest in direct participation deals?

20.  How do I analyze an offering?

 Most books written on the subject of investing in oil and gas programs are written by academics or industry insiders and are filled with lots of technical information and industry jargon.  While important topics to these, authors our research has determine that most investor just doesn’t need to know the parts of drilling rig or when the Paleozoic period was.  Investors have repeated told us they just want to understand what effects an investment in oil and gas will have on their taxes and the kind of return they can really expect to receive.  It is for these everyday investors that this this book was written.