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The overall objective of ENAPEA is to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in Mexico while fully respecting human rights, in particular sexual and reproductive rights. Its two main objectives are: a) The reduction of teenage pregnancies is one of the main objectives of ENAPEA. To this end, it is proposed to reduce the birth rate for girls aged 10-14 to zero and to reduce the specific fertility rate for adolescent girls aged 15-19 (TEF15-19) by 50 per cent by 2030. The ENAPEA monitoring plan and the general evaluation scheme contain three documents: (1) the ENAPEA design assessment, (2) the monitoring plan (contains the ENAPEA logical framework and the proposed indicator matrix) and (3) the general evaluation scheme. These documents have been prepared by the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) and are reviewed by GIPE members. Here you will find documents created in the framework of ENAPEA, for example: minutes of GIPE meetings, sub-group activities and other useful documents. Teenage pregnancy is a phenomenon that has gained prominence in recent years, with Mexico ranking first among countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with a fertility rate of 77 births per thousand adolescent girls aged 15 to 19. Also in Mexico, 23% of adolescents start their sex life between the ages of 12 and 19. Of these, 15% of men and 33% of women did not use contraceptives during their first sexual intercourse.

According to these data, about 340,000 births per year occur among women under the age of 19. Recently, we were joined by representatives of three civil society organizations: Afluentes S.C., Elige Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos A.C. and Alliance For Freeddom of four international organizations: the United Nations Children`s Fund (UNICEF), UN Women in Mexico, the Pan American Health Organization and the United Nations Population Fund. and Dr. Rosario Cárdenas Elizalde representing the Academy. For this reason, the Government of the Republic is developing the National Strategy for the Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy (ENAPEA), the result of the joint work of 16 federal agencies and the participation of civil society organizations, international organizations and academic experts in this field. The study on the prevention of teenage pregnancy by masculinities was conducted by INSP in collaboration with Inmujeres to identify beliefs, cultural constructs, social aspects of masculinities and aspects of sexuality that influence the actions of men in urban areas, in relation to the reproduction of daughters and sons with adolescent girls and the implications that lead them to, or not the responsibility of parenthood, which in turn facilitates the development of public policies related to teenage pregnancy. This study also includes recommendations for ENAPEA to have a perspective on masculinities. Teenage pregnancy has a negative impact on health, school retention, current and future incomes, access to high-quality specialized recreation, social and professional opportunities, and human development. In addition to pregnancy, unprotected sex carries an ongoing risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

The ENAPEA document is based on a diagnosis of the phenomenon, a national, international and programmatic normative review. ENAPEA has a general objective and 5 specific objectives, 19 lines of action and 90 measures. It is also built of 8 guide axes. Directory of adolescent-friendly services This section contains the electronic links of these strategies, to learn them, click on the following links: Here you will find radio and television spots from the different GIPEA institutions that carry out campaigns to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

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