Legal Practitioners Register

The purpose of the list of professional representatives is to provide an overview of highly qualified patent representatives; It would be at risk if legal practitioners who do not possess such qualifications were included in the list. Consequently, the conditions for registration on the list of professional representatives under Article 134(2) EPC 1973 also apply to lawyers (D 14/93, OJ 1997, 561). Please note that the practitioners listed are members of the Law Society of NSW, who have indicated that they are also mediators. We do not collect information about their qualifications. The Law Society of NSW therefore recommends that you check the qualifications and suitability of the mediator for your case before engaging him. We recommend that you contact more than one mediator before making a decision. Whereas, in accordance with Art. 134(4) EPC 1973, the entry of a person`s name on the list of professional representatives entitles him to appear in all proceedings established by the EPC 1973, the EPC 1973 contains no corresponding provision for legal practitioners. Their competence to represent before the EPO is not general but depends directly on compliance with Article 134(7) EPC 1973 (J 27/95).

In accordance with EPO practice, lawyers who declare their intention to be represented in proceedings before the EPO and file a power of attorney are entered in the register of lawyers, provided they fulfil the conditions of Article 134(8) EPC. The Legal Division is responsible for verifying these conditions and for registering or removing names from the register of lawyers (see also J 27/95). A person is entitled to registration if he or she satisfies the Chancellor General that lawyers convicted of misconduct in other jurisdictions may have their data published in an inter-state disciplinary register. The directory also contains details of accredited specialists in New South Wales (who may be from other Australian states and territories as well as New South Wales) and may include intergovernmental lawyers who have an office in New South Wales. The register of lawyers must be clearly distinguished from the list of professional representatives drawn up under Articles 134(1) to (4) EPC. The Registrar General shall establish and maintain a register of legal practitioners. (a) you are a person fit and able to be registered; and (b) they possess the legal qualifications required to practise as lawyers in the country to which they are admitted; and (c) it or a company of which it is a member or employee has a permanent establishment on the island; and (d) they meet any other conditions imposed. Disclaimer: The Commissioner is required to maintain the record of disciplinary measures in accordance with section 89C of the Act. While every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure that the information contained in the registry is accurate and up-to-date, the Commissioner is not liable for any loss or damage that may result from reliance on the registry or from errors or deficiencies in the registry. The Commissioner also has certain specific safeguards against liability under section 89F of the Act. Contact information for some lawyers is not published here.

Please contact the Law Society of NSW Registry on 02 9926 0156 or by email if you cannot find the lawyer or law firm you are looking for. Use the three tabs below to search the online directory of NSW firms and lawyers with a recent certificate of practice. If an appeal is lodged against a finding entered in the register, the fact of the appeal shall also be entered in the register. If the appeal or even a review: Any person who, for the purpose of obtaining a recording, knowingly or recklessly provides incorrect information in an essentially specific case is guilty of a criminal offence and will be liable to a fine not exceeding £5,000 if convicted on summary conviction. The nature of the lawyer`s certificate does not necessarily reflect the lawyer`s position in the principal place of the firm or any other related practice. Information about the status of a lawyer within a law firm should be obtained directly from the firm. To change your contact details, including the new email address, company name and phone number, please contact the registry at or (02) 9926 0156. The registration fee is $375.00 (of which $60.00 is deposited in the Client Protection Lawyers Fund, $50.00 in the Indigent Legal Services Fund, $25.00 in the Legal Services Assistance Fund and the remainder in the Lawyer Licensing Fund). Disciplinary action may be taken by the Ethics Commissioner, the Legal Practitioners` Disciplinary Tribunal, the Supreme Court or, in some cases, their inter-State equivalents.

Not all lawyers disciplined prior to July 1, 2014 are registered. Only lawyers who have been dismissed (i.e. removed from practice), suspended or placed under supervision for a period of time (still in effect as of July 1, 2014) are registered. Some information is not included in the older disciplinary register. No fee is charged from an attorney certifying that he or she has retired from the law firm as defined at 22 NYCRR 118.1(g). Every application for registration must be made to the Registrar General in the prescribed form, together with the prescribed fee and such documents and information as may be prescribed or requested by the Registrar General. This does not apply to a person admitted to practise as a lawyer under the 1976 Act. Information on the Manx Law Reports is available on the Isle of Man Court website. A less serious finding of unsatisfactory professional conduct may, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be entered in the register. You can also refer to our list of registered foreign attorneys New York prosecutors can file their biennial registration and electronically change their attorney registration information by creating an Attorney Online Services account. Lawyers can create an online account via the following link: The Act and regulations were amended effective July 30, 2017, so that, in some cases, the Commissioner now has the discretion to delete information that he or she had previously entered on the registry.

However, it can only do so if the information relates to a relatively minor fault, and only if at least 2 years have passed since the latter: Electronic Filing of Attorney Registration – NYSCEF Court of Appeal E-filing – Court-PASS Case Tracking – eTrack Part 36 – FIDUCIARY ONLINE Secure Pass ID – RENEWAL Mandate and closure E-Filing Commercial use of this information is prohibited and is subject to our Terms of Use. Please read the Law Society`s Privacy Policy. If you cannot find the service you are looking for, please use the Company`s lawyer referral service. Notice to the Bar Association: disciplinary measures in case of non-registration.