The “European Forum of Young Legal Historians” had become the main conference for budding legal historians. Its origins were two international meetings in Frankfurt am Main in the early 1990s. It was Michael Stolleis who, with funds from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, invited young legal historians from East and West to a first meeting in Frankfurt at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in 1992. His intention was to gather discipline after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The initiative quickly became an institution: the so-called “Forum of Young Legal Historians”, which first met in Halle in 1995, took place in Berlin in 1996 and was called the “European Forum of Young Legal Historians” in Graz in 1997. [2] The Zurich meeting in 1999 marked the breakthrough towards a truly European event. More than a hundred participants from Europe and elsewhere gathered to attend conferences in German, English, French and Italian. Since then, young researchers from countries that had not been reached before have attended the conference in increasing numbers. [3] A few more years later, the addition “European” was removed.

In the meantime, the Forum has become a meeting place for young legal historians from around the world. [4] It is a great pleasure for us to invite members of the legal historian community to the 24th Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians 2018 in Warsaw (“Legal Norms and Practices: Here and Back”). This will be the second time this event will take place in Warsaw. The Polish capital received young legal historians during the X. Annual forum of young legal historians entitled “The European Community of Law: between tradition and perspectives” in 2004 at the same time as Poland`s accession to the European Union. The scientific community of Warsaw legal historians is institutionally divided into three chairs and a department within the Institute of Legal History of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw: the Chair of Roman Law and Ancient Law, the Chair of History of the Polish Constitution and Law, the Chair of Legal and State History and the Department of European Legal Tradition. However, we are united by the common founding traditions and strive to take an interdisciplinary approach in our research that allows us to exchange experiences and thoughts regardless of our different formal backgrounds. The founding tradition of the Chair of Roman law and ancient law is linked to Raphael Taubenschlag and Jerzy Manteuffel, the creators of the original Institute of Papyrology and the discipline of legal papyrology of the University of Warsaw, with the scientific journal of the Journal of Juristic Papyrology.

In recent years, Warsaw has also become a thriving centre for studies on the European legal tradition. The Chair of History of the Polish Constitution and Polish Law is one of the main centers of analysis of the history of Polish law, especially in the field of legal culture and practice of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 14th to the 20th century. The Chair of Legal and State History deals with systems of government and the history of private law in other countries, particularly in France, Germany, England, the United States and Russia. Its aim is to offer a wide range of applications for comparative methods. We are convinced that Warsaw is an ideal place for a meeting of representatives of a global discipline such as legal history. The city is located in the heart of Europe and its well-connected airport is close to the city center. The forum takes place on the former atmospheric university campus as well as in the modern listening and conference rooms of the Collegium Iuridicum II, both located in the heart of the city. The Annual Forum has 4 conference rooms that can accommodate 140 people and a spacious auditorium that can accommodate up to 200 people. Several hotels ranging from modest to luxurious are located near the university and offer special rates for delegates. The term “young” legal historians is understood broadly.

The main purpose of the “Forum of Young Legal Historians” is to give the opportunity to present the results of their studies to all those who would not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. Since academic hierarchies tend to influence the freedom of expression of young researchers, professors with a chair in the history of law are generally excluded from participation in the conference. Similarly, professors and organizations that want to support the goals of society are not allowed to vote at the AYLH General Assembly. The Association of Young Legal Historians (AYLH); Its main objectives are the organization of the annual conference “Forum of Young Legal Historians”, the publication of the “Yearbook of the Young History of Law” and the facilitation of communication within the scientific community between the annual conferences. [1] The “Association of Young Legal Historians” grew out of the “Forum of Young European Legal Historians”, which met for the first time in Frankfurt in 1992. We would like to inform you that we have a problem with our mail servers. Please send all your emails to Deadline to submit documents for printing: June 1, 2018 After May 2, accepted contributions will be notified and contacted to complete the registration by paying the conference fee. The link to register can be found on our website. The 24th Forum will begin on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 4 p.m.

and will conclude with an AYLH General Assembly on Saturday, June 16, 2018, in the afternoon. Guided tours for forum participants will be held on Sunday, June 17, 2018. Detailed information is available on the website of the XXVI Forum of Young Legal Historians. We are pleased to announce that the call for papers will be extended and that you can send an application with an abstract of up to 250 words and your CV to before April 22nd. Presentations must be in English and must not exceed 20 minutes each. The conference fee is €150 and does not include travel and accommodation. Another particularity of the AYLH is to avoid any competition for positions within the association. The Executive Committee is simply composed of the organizers of the last and next forum.

Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians

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