How to Change Legal Name with Social Security

Hi Nicole! There is no time limit to begin the name change process as long as you have a physical copy of your marriage certificate. You don`t have to change your name, even if you have a different last name on your driver`s license. However, if you wish to apply for a REAL ID card, passport, or other type of government-approved ID card, your name registered with the Social Security Administration must match the name on your application. -Colie I renewed my CA driver`s license on my birthday. I was told they couldn`t process because my SSN and name didn`t match. I got married 20 years ago. I filed taxes, paid Social Security through labor and my DoD pension, and held a valid CaRL in my married name for 20 years. When I changed the name at sea, they did not accept my ID card because it had expired the day before the 1st day. I had to travel 3 hours to the SSA office. They told me to get a valid ID. How? I don`t know how to correct this and I need my permit to work The receipts you send with your application will arrive earlier from your local office. The “central office” near DC and Baltimore will send your card last. The name change process can be painful, especially without proper guidance.

It all starts with changing the name of your Social Security. In this case, you`re done. You changed your name, but you forgot. If necessary, you can simply request a replacement card. This would be considered a brand new surname due to the letter change. You will need to submit separate name change requests. The court orders they receive replace their marriage certificate for the purpose of changing their name. Hi Victoria! Good question – you need to send your current driver`s license or passport. You will receive your new SS card in ~two weeks in the mail along with any documents (driver`s license or passport) you submitted with your application.-Colie However, the form will ask you for your father`s name. If he had wanted her maiden name, he would have said his father`s maiden name. But still, they will be able to cope with it. Hello! Is it possible to apply for a new SSC with my future surname before marriage? If so, when? Do I need my new SSC to change my name on a driver`s licence and passport? I looked at all my notes, no, no mention of them.

I have a few doctor`s appointments that I had to cancel because my name was changed correctly in my secondary insurance and without the new Medicare card, I knew I was going to have problems. Hello! I got married in December and quickly filled out the paperwork for my name change. I received my Social Security card, but I didn`t receive my marriage certificate from the post office. I tried to call several times, but only one person told me that there was no tracking number to find out where my marriage certificate was. Hello! I updated my name on my Social Security card, but I haven`t updated my driver`s license or passport yet. I am planning a trip out of the country in the coming months. Is it okay if I`m waiting until I`ve updated my other documents, or is it a problem? Please accept this secondary ID as I will not be able to access or obtain primary proof of identity within 10 business days. I just received my marriage certificate in the mail from the SSA office to change my name on my card to my new married name, but my new card was not there.

Will it come later, is it normal for them to send them separately or should I assume that my new SS card has been stolen from the envelope? The address is handwritten and the back has been sealed with duct tape. The envelope was not torn, but only sealed with duct tape. I was named after someone I didn`t care about, so when I needed a replacement SS card, I asked if I could change my middle name to my maiden name, and they said yes. I was in and out within minutes and made a name for myself now Lauren Loves Chicken. I`m currently on SDI and don`t know if the name change will also spoil direct deposit. As SSI`s offices are closed and everything has been put online, it is difficult to get clear answers. Hello! So I changed my name on my ssn without any problem. Until recently, I discovered that the marriage certificate I had passed contained an error in my husband`s name. What do I do now? Failure to notify the Social Security Administration of a name change can have significant consequences. If your legal name doesn`t match the name on your Social Security file, the agency may not credit you income or delay processing your tax return. Important Tip: If you want to update your name elsewhere before getting your new Social Security card, don`t forget to bring your SSA receipt.

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