Funny Laws to Make

In 2013, lawmakers banned cities from forcing restaurants to include nutritional information or calorie counts on menus. The same bill — also known as the Anti-Bloomberg Act — prohibits communities from requiring restaurants to limit portion sizes. At least you`ll be left in the dark if it`s a cheat label? The context may make the law less strange, but still, suspicious salmon is a pretty fun crime to be arrested for. You will get more than the silent treatment of your wife if you forget her birthday in Samoa. It`s unclear how long your sentence would last, but maybe it wouldn`t be so bad if you thought about how to compensate for it. Simply put, the law basically wants owners to have their chickens under control at all times. This makes sense when one imagines the danger of letting farm animals roam, but the peculiarity of the law of not letting chickens cross the street seems true to the joke and makes it a fun read. Exceptions included funeral homes, hospital employees, or people at the bedside of a sick family member. For everyone else, there is no excuse for being dark, the alternative is a fine. This must be one of the strangest laws of all. One thing that has not escaped the attention of this nation is a set of its own strange and confusing laws. It seems like not everyone in Yellowhammer State has managed to reach the common phrase “Keep your eyes on the road.” A law in Alabama prohibits blindfolded driving. Our eyes are wide open after hearing it! Another sacrifice that disturbs the peace for you! If you live in Kansas, make sure your gears are greased and your tires are checked — because squealing tires is not only considered illegal, but is also painfully annoying to hear.

Want to learn more about fun, obscure and crazy laws in the United States? Apply your knowledge with a degree in criminal justice from Olivet Nazarene University. Look at these incredibly strange American laws that actually exist! Bizarre U.S. Laws Florida got into trouble in 2013 when it accidentally banned all computers in the state. A confusingly worded law banning internet cafes involved in illegal gambling has led to a lawsuit, arguing that the ban could be interpreted as applying to any device connected to the internet. Other crazy laws across the country include articles about whiskers and food in particular. In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that provokes laughter in church, while whiskers are illegal in Indiana if the wearer tends to kiss others habitually. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve butter substitutes in prison; in Utah, it is illegal NOT to drink milk; and don`t sleep in a South Dakota cheese shop. A generous act in Louisiana could backfire – you could be fined $500 if you send a pizza order to someone`s home without their knowledge. Other strange laws include: It`s forbidden to open an umbrella on the street in Alabama, denying someone a glass of water is prohibited in Arizona, and it`s also illegal to collect rainwater in Colorado.

Next time you`re in Arizona, make sure your manners are up to date. In Goodyear, it is illegal to spit on a public sidewalk, zebra crossing or highway, or in a park or public building. There`s no doubt about it: there are crazy and bizarre state laws that exist in the United States. Sure, they may have made sense when they were written, but today, these truly bizarre state facts about U.S. laws are enough for anyone to wonder why they were created in the first place — let alone make big random trifles to amaze your friends! Who knew, for example, that it`s illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub in Arizona, or that you technically can`t send a surprise pizza to your friends in Louisiana? However, a revision of the 1998 Electricity Security Act updated the Act. A spokeswoman for Energy Safe Victoria said: “Although the Electricity Safety Act makes it illegal to do your own electrical work if you are not allowed, changing a light bulb and removing an outlet from a power outlet has been explicitly exempted from this requirement under Council Regulation G17.” Around the world, laws range from strange and wonderful to downright strange. In this blog, I`ll count some of the strangest laws in the world. In the United States, there are federal and state laws. Under the Federal Constitution, all 50 states of the United States have the right to formulate and enforce their own laws.

Some of these laws are rarely enforced and are even considered strange, controversial and offensive. While some of these laws are far-fetched and could rarely be nonchalantly broken by the average citizen, some laws refer to behavior so mundane that many might break the law without realizing it! What you`ll find below are some of the amazing and believable, many courtesy of, the ultimate collection of stupid laws. Many states have laws restricting various activities on Sundays, but in Iowa it is illegal to sell cars or RVs on Sundays. Many of these outdated laws may no longer be enforced today, but it`s certainly still a lot of fun to think about how they were once needed (and in some cases still exist!). From random facts about food to the really ridiculous rules about animals in every state, get ready to laugh, giggle, and control your sideways eye by clicking on the most absurd laws and bans in the great United States. There are really crazy laws out there. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a bit questionable, strange, or just plain stupid. And it seems that every state has at least a few. However, this law is questionable because how can we suggest that people should just let everyone into their homes? This law has made many lists of the most absurd laws, but I have found no context behind this particular law. The United States has a long and interesting history, and most of today`s laws are appropriate for keeping the peace.

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