Finding Free or Affordable Legal Help

You can seek advice from a lawyer or qualified legal advisor at a legal centre. Legal centers cover problems with: You can ask your nearest citizen advice center if they have a list of lawyers who offer no profit, no fees, or free or fixed advice. If you have joined an automotive organization for road protection, you may find that they offer cheap or free help, especially in case of legal problems with the car or accidents. Check your membership contract or call them to see if they can help. To find a legal aid office near you: Visit www. and choose the state you live in to find out who in your state can help you solve your legal problem. I do not have legal immigration status. Can legal aid help me? Each legal aid agency has its own rules about who is eligible for its services. However, if you are a victim of a violent crime or domestic violence, legal aid that protects you from domestic violence or abuse can help you in all cases, even if you do not have legal immigration status. If you have been a victim of domestic violence, legal aid can also apply for immigration on your behalf.

Some legal aid firms specialize in a wide range of immigration law issues. Go to www. information on the rules that apply to legal aid offices in your area. Are there cases that are not dealt with by legal aid? Legal aid in civil matters does not deal with cases of pecuniary damage, such as medical malpractice or car accidents, traffic offences or criminal cases. (For the difference between civil and criminal law issues, see The Differences Between the Criminal Court and the Civil Court). What can I expect from a litigant? Legal aid lawyers have the same qualifications as other lawyers. Everything you tell your lawyer is confidential, which means it will not be shared with anyone outside the legal aid office. Since everything you tell your lawyer is confidential, tell them the truth. Your lawyer can help you better if you tell him the truth. I am not eligible for legal aid, where can I get help? Legal Services Corporation (LSC) – Find legal help for low-income individuals and families. Colorado Farmworkers Project provides advocacy and legal representation to agricultural workers. Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (617) 654-0400 Toll Free: (866) MASS-LRS ((866) 627-7577) TTY: (617) 338-0585 If your case goes to court or tribunal, you can hire a pro bono lawyer free of charge to represent you through Advocate.

You can check if Advocate could help you on their website. You can search for a free legal aid clinic on the LawWorks website – it also has information about other organizations that may be able to help you. Free pro bono legal aid – Find free or low-income legal aid. Pro bono programs match low-income clients with pro bono lawyers who agree to take on their cases free of charge. Veterans Legal Assistance – Find free legal clinics and other resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. LawHelp Interactive helps you fill out legal forms. Discover a new online tool to help debtors in Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel CO counties, DuncanBot (look for an avatar, bottom right of this page). Try it no matter where you live in the CO.

Click here to let us know if the bot helped you. Contact your state`s consumer protection bureau for help resolving consumer issues. This office is often part of the Attorney General`s Office. Depending on the state and office, they can: There are 2 types of legal aid for criminal and civil cases. To read all the instructions in this series, visit or National Disability Rights Network – Find legal service providers by state for people with disabilities. Your insurers may insist that you deploy their legal team. If you have your own lawyer, they can tell you if they can act for you under your insurance policy. You can also ask your local law society if they offer any of the following free services to people who need legal assistance: If your case is serious and you can`t afford your legal fees, legal aid can pay some or all of them. Boston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (617) 742-0625 Toll Free: (800) 552-7046 In debt? Need help managing your money? Do you understand your credit? Do you want to avoid identity theft? To learn more about your rights, click here.

If you can`t afford a lawyer, legal aid may be able to help: if you can`t get legal help, there`s a small chance you`ll get help by “funding exceptional cases.” We condemn the brutal murder of George Floyd and all Blacks, Indigenous peoples and other people of color (BIPOC) by police and others who oppress them, whether in Minnesota, Oregon or anywhere in our country. As legal aid organizations, our mission is to achieve justice for Oregon`s low-income communities by providing a full range of the highest quality civilian services. We emphasize our clients` right to decide the solutions we seek to the problems they face, and our clients have long told us that racial discrimination is a critical barrier to escaping poverty. We have a responsibility to our clients to work to dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy while fighting for economic justice on their behalf. Lawyers and legal aid staff across the state will continue to work together to bring equality, justice and integrity to our communities and our legal system. In addition to asking friends and family for the name of a good lawyer or checking the phone book, you can find legal counsel online. The nearest citizen counselling service may be able to help you if you have a problem via: Talk to your shop steward or workplace representative, or contact your union`s head office to see if they can provide you with free legal assistance. Greater Boston Legal Services (617) 371-1234 Toll Free: (800) 323-3205 TTY: (617) 371-1228 Some lawyers give 30 minutes of free legal advice. Some offer a flat fee – that way you know in advance what the consultation will cost. You can call a law firm and ask if they offer a free half hour or a flat fee. Review the insurance documents for your car, home, and other insurance policies to see if any have legal insurance. Check if they cover your type of case and if they cover all your costs – most policies don`t pay for everything.

Individual lawyers (also called lawyers) are experts in various areas of law. Some lawyers specialize in a specific area of law, such as commercial, civil, criminal, or juvenile law. You need to determine what type of lawyer is right for your legal situation. Once you`ve found a lawyer, ask them about their experience, areas of expertise, and questions such as “How would you handle my case?” and “What do you charge for your services/what is your fee structure?” MetroWest Legal Services (508) 620-1830 Toll Free: (800) 696-1501 You need to make the most of your appointment. You should take note of what you need to say in advance and find out. You can talk to an advisor at your next Citizen Council to help you decide what questions to ask the lawyer. If you have joined an organization such as a trade union, they can offer you free legal assistance. Or you can get help with legal fees under another subscription, insurance policy, or credit card agreement. Upsolve – Find free legal help to declare bankruptcy.

Keep in mind that bankruptcy information after Chapter 7 will remain on your credit report for 10 years. This can make it difficult to get loans, buy a home, buy life insurance, or get a job. Learn more about bankruptcy and other options for dealing with debt. If you have been arrested and questioned at a police station, you can find out about your right to free legal advice on GOV.UK – regardless of your income. Free legal representation for low-income people – Find free legal aid programs in your community. Find information about your legal rights by topic, such as housing, divorce, child benefits and debt collection. Information about the law or tools to solve simple legal problems. Seniors Care Locator – Enter your postal code to find local offices for aging and legal aid organizations. Think about other organizations you`ve joined that could help. For example, which ones? provides legal advice when you pay for a subscription.

You can find out more about which one? Legal services on their website. Some charities or volunteer lawyers may be able to help you if you can`t get legal help or pay for your own lawyer or lawyer. Free legal answers – If you have a low income and qualify for the program, you can direct your civil law questions to the American Bar Association. Volunteer lawyers provide answers free of charge. They will not talk about criminal prosecution. Northeast Legal Aid (978) 458-1465 Toll Free: (800) 336-2262 Pension Rights Center – Get free legal help for problems related to your pension, profit-sharing or retirement savings. Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers. for persons in immigration procedures. Many legal aid agencies may be able to address other issues such as immigration, consumers and people with disabilities.

Some legal aid offices focus on one area of law, such as disability law or housing law. Some legal aid offices receive funding from the government, which may limit the type of cases they can accept. There are legal aid offices (also called legal counsel) in the United States. Legal aid organizations are non-profit organizations that provide free legal aid to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. While many legal aid centres only help people with very low incomes, some offices have more flexible income rules. Armed Forces Legal Assistance – Find nearby military facilities with legal aid offices. This guide has been prepared for general information purposes only. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice depends on the particular circumstances of each situation.

In addition, the law may vary from state to state. Some information in this guide may not be correct for your condition. To find local resources, visit and select your state.

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